Health Systems Strengthening2023-08-09T17:08:01+00:00

Health Systems Strengthening

Helping partner countries address service delivery, health workforce, information systems, access to essential medicines and commodities, financing, and governance
PMI works to reduce the burden of malaria while also strengthening partner country health systems and workforces.
In countries where malaria typically accounts for 30 to 40 percent of outpatient visits and hospital admissions, a reduction in malaria cases allows overstretched health workers to concentrate on managing other important childhood illnesses, such as pneumonia and diarrhea.
PMI’s experience shows that malaria control activities are most successful when countries take ownership and lead these efforts. Therefore PMI works to ensure that country programs possess appropriately-skilled human resources and infrastructure to plan, implement, and monitor progress of their malaria control activities.


1108, 2023

Bridging the Gap: Making Sure Community Health Workers in Sierra Leone Have the Tools to do Their Jobs

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Being a Community Health Worker in a remote area can mean you are on call 24-hours a day and often travel long distances to provide lifesaving care. A little support for these workers can go a long way, particularly for those dedicated to their communities, like Dinkie Kalie Marah in Sierra Leone.

Malaria and COVID-19

Thanks in large part to financial support and technical guidance from PMI, our partner countries were able to continue their malaria prevention and control programs during the coronavirus pandemic. The capacity and systems PMI helped countries to strengthen to combat malaria also positioned them to better respond to COVID-19.

Learn more about PMI’s support during the pandemic

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