Diagnosis and Treatment2023-08-09T16:23:46+00:00

Diagnosis and Treatment

Finding and fighting fevers

PMI supports the expansion and strengthening of diagnostic testing for malaria to ensure that all patients with malaria are properly identified and receive a quality-assured medicine in health facilities and at the community level.

This approach ensures not only that only confirmed malaria cases receive treatment for malaria, but also facilitates the detection and appropriate treatment of other treatable causes of fever.

PMI’s comprehensive support of effective case management includes:

  • development of updated diagnosis and treatment policies, guidelines and training and supervision materials
  • procurement and distribution of essential commodities and equipment, including microscopes, rapid diagnostic tests and artemisinin-based combination therapies
  • support for strengthening of pharmaceutical and supply chain management systems
  • training and supervision of health workers at all levels of the health system, including at community level
  • support for quality assurance systems for diagnostic testing and antimalarial drug efficacy monitoring
  • development and implementation of behavior change interventions
  • support of operational research to evaluate and improve diagnostic and treatment interventions
903, 2022

From Childhood Dream to Reality: Mercy’s Mission to Save Mothers and their Children from Malaria

Categories: 2022, Stories|Tags: , , |

Nigerian healthcare worker Mercy Victor Bassey has realized her dream to save women and children from malaria by becoming a health clinic manager and mentor to women in her community.

2909, 2021

A Beacon of Hope – How Thailand is Using Data to Combat Drug-Resistant Malaria

Categories: Stories|Tags: , , , , , |

Sakda Wongwasana, a health worker at the Vector-Borne [...]

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