Community Health

Championing countries’ efforts to extend the reach and range of their community health services

Use of PMI Funds for Payment of Community Workers

On June 29, 2021, PMI officially announced a change in policy regarding use of PMI funds for payment of Community Health Worker (CHW) salaries and stipends, and PMI funds from any fiscal year may now be used to pay CHWs who provide community-based malaria case management services as part of the package of services they deliver.

Please refer to the frequently asked questions document for general clarifications, recommendations, requirements, evidence, and resources regarding this policy.

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PMI recognizes the potential role that the ongoing digital transformation can play in catalyzing efforts to strengthen community health systems. Technologies are getting better, infrastructure is expanding and demand for digital services is growing. This intersection between PMI’s emphasis on community health systems and the ongoing digital transformation led us to launch our Digital Community Health Initiative in 2020. The goal of this initiative is to strengthen quality health delivery at the community level in PMI’s partner countries, by investing in the scale-up of digitally enabled community health platforms.

PMI funded foundational assessments in all 27 partner countries to understand the current environment and identify opportunities to strengthen digital community health. Those country profiles and a cross-country synthesis report can be found on our partner, Digital Square’s website.

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The Institutionalizing iCCM subgroup of the Child Health Task Force aims to support effective programs that are ministry-led, adequately resourced and managed, and with long-term commitments of support from partners. The subgroup provides a forum for donors, technical agencies, and implementing partners to coordinate their country level support to Ministries of Health for scaling-up integrated community case management. Many iCCM resources are available through the Task Force.


The Child Health Taskforce’s Integrated Community Case Management Hub is available. You can find resources for iCCM like tools, reports, articles and event materials.

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The Community Health Roadmap’s mission is to mobilize new resources to support national priorities for community health, and to support the more efficient use of existing resources through stronger collaboration, coordination and alignment of donor investments.

Stories From the Field

The Power of Prevention: Seasonal Campaigns Shield Kids from Malaria

September 1, 2023|

Children under the age of five living in sub-Saharan Africa make up the majority of malaria cases and deaths globally. They are especially at risk during the rainy season when malaria-carrying mosquitoes flourish. Community health workers in countries such as Cameroon, Mali, and Niger work hard to deliver lifesaving preventive medicine to keep children safe.

Researchers and Donors Collaborate to Ensure the Fight Against Malaria is Informed by Quality Data

June 1, 2023|

]: Without timely and reliable data on confirmed malaria cases, it is difficult for those leading the fight against malaria to determine where and how to focus resources or measure the impact of activities. The U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and African researchers have come together to assess the accuracy of malaria surveillance data so that national malaria programs have the information they need to protect populations and save lives.