The U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative looks forward to participating in the 67th annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in New Orleans, LA. See below for a list of PMI-supported symposia, scientific sessions, and poster presentations.

  • Symposium Sessions
  • Scientific Sessions
  • Poster Sessions

Symposium Sessions

Presentation Title Day Start Time End Time Location
Proactive community case detection and management of malaria, diarrhea, pneumonia and malnutrition. 31-Oct 4:00pm 5:45pm Sheraton Grand Ballroom D/E (5th floor)
Why is malaria transmission persisting in some contexts despite high coverage of vector control tools, such as LLINs and IRS? Results from recent studies across three WHO regions. 1-Nov 8:00am 9:45am Marriott – Mardi Gras D (3rd Floor)


Scientific Sessions

Presentation Title Day Start Time End Time Location
Ethiopia: Assessment of malaria transmission dynamics using multiplex serological assay. 29-Oct 10:15am 12:00pm Sheraton – Rodrigue Gallery (1st Floor)
Evaluation of a new highly-sensitive rapid diagnostic test for reactive case detection in Rakhine State, Myanmar. 29-Oct 1:45pm 3:30pm Marriott – La Galerie 3 (2nd Floor)
Evaluation of a new highly-sensitive RDT for reactive case detection in Rakhine State, Myanmar. 29-Oct 3:00pm 3:15pm Marriott – La Galerie 3 (2nd Floor)
Insecticide resistance is not associated with Plasmodium falciparum infection in Anopheles gambiae s.l. (Diptera: Culicidae) in Guinea. 29-Oct 4:45pm 5:00pm Marriott – Mardi Gras D (3rd Floor)
Integrated drug efficacy surveillance (iDES): the feasibility of using routine case management and follow-up activities to monitor drug efficacy and resistance in Thailand. 30-Oct 1:45am 3:30pm Marriott – La Galerie 1/2 (2nd Floor)
Gaps in service utilization and service provision: an analysis of DHS and SPA malaria data from Malawi, Senegal, and Tanzania. 30-Oct 4:30pm 4:45pm Sheraton – Grand Ballroom D/E
Subnational profiling using Chi-square automatic interaction detector analysis to inform targeting of malaria interventions: a case study from Nigeria. 30-Oct 4:45pm 5:00pm Sheraton – Grand Ballroom D/E
Making the case for investment in social and behavior change interventions for malaria: results from a secondary analysis in Nigeria. 30-Oct 5:00pm 5:15pm Sheraton – Grand Ballroom D/E
Assessment of residual malaria transmission in Letpan village, Southern Rakhine State, Myanmar. 31-Oct 8:15am 8:30am Marriott – Mardi Gras D (3rd Floor)
Case based malaria surveillance systems in elimination settings of Zanzibar. 31-Oct 8:30am 8:45am Marriott – Mardi Gras D (3rd Floor)
Annual indoor and outdoor entomological inoculation rates in An. gambiae, An. coluzzii, and An. arabiensis across five ecozones of Nigeria. 31-Oct 8:15am 8:30am Marriott – La Galerie 3 (2nd floor)
Replacement of indoor residual spraying by long lasting insecticidal nets and seasonal malaria chemoprevention associated with changes in key entomological indicators of malaria transmission in Southern Mali. 31-Oct 8:30am 8:45am Marriott – La Galerie 3 (2nd floor)
Investigating the magnitude and drivers of residual malaria transmission in Zanzibar. 1-Nov 8:00am 8:15am Marriott – Mardi Gras D (3rd Floor)
Seasonal malaria chemoprevention, an effective intervention for reducing malaria morbidity and mortality. 1-Nov 10:15am 12:00pm Marriott – Balcony IJK
Impact of indoor residual spraying in reducing malaria cases in Rwanda, 2013-2017. 1-Nov 10:15am 10:30am Marriott – Balcony IJK


Poster Sessions

Presentation Title Day Start Time End Time Location
Intensity of pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles gambiae s.l. in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Insecticide susceptibility status of Anopheles gambiae s.l. to public health insecticides from twelve sentinel site surveys in Uganda. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Impact of Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) interventions on malaria incidence trends in the east coast of Madagascar. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Dynamics of insecticide resistance intensity, knockdown resistance (kdr) gene frequency and mechanism of insecticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae s.l. across five ecozones of Nigeria. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine and dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria among children in western Kenya. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Evaluation of toxicity and cross-resistance of novel candidate insecticides clothianidin, neonicotinoid, and chlorfenapyr, pyrrole, against wild and laboratory Anopheles arabiensis in Jimma, Ethiopia. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Qualitative insights into human behavior and residual malaria transmission on Unguja Island, Zanzibar: findings from in-depth interviews and direct observation of community events. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Characterization of outdoor mosquito resting behavior as one of the drivers of ongoing malaria transmission in Zanzibar. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
The implementation and the impact of adapting technologies to support residual malaria transmission: a case study in Unguja, Zanzibar. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Standardized monitoring of durability of long-lasting insecticidal nets in five countries in Africa and Asia. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Ghana: Understanding the gap between access and use of insecticide treated nets: a qualitative study across three ecological zones. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Contribution of quarterly malaria data review and validation to data quality and malaria services improvement. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Performance of community health workers in providing integrated community case management services (iCCM) in 8 districts of Rwanda. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Measuring coverage of treatment with ACT among under-fives in population surveys: the importance of visual aids, packaging and prescription review for surveys in settings with a diverse drug market and imperfect health worker adherence to national treatment guidelines. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Rapid reduction of malaria transmission after introducing a third generation indoor residual spraying product in previously unsprayed districts of Mopti Region, Mali in 2017. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
The role of active case detection in malaria elimination: What are the challenges? 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Changes in cardiac repolarization following repeated dosing of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine in pregnancy. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Evaluating the contribution of the President’s Malaria Initiative to reduction of malaria burden in priority countries in sub-Saharan Africa using generalized estimating equations and matching procedures. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Large-scale implementation of seasonal malaria chemoprevention in far north Cameroon: The use of geographic information system (GIS) tracking in supply chain management. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Tanzania school net program: Maturing to semi auto-piloted implementation. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Malaria service data quality improvement (MSDQI) package: A new tool to improve malaria services at health facilities: Baseline results from the MSDQI- assisted supportive supervision on malaria management in Southern Tanzania. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Pursuing effective LLIN coverage and utilization in newly targeted areas of Northern Rakhine State, Myanmar. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Assessment of malaria services offered by private providers in rural, under-served areas of Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Village-based stratification in Myanmar for monitoring and to inform selection of malaria interventions. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Implementation of proactive case detection and community case management in moderate malaria transmission districts in Senegal, 2017. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Impact of antimalarial interventions on malaria morbidly and mortality in hospitals from 2001 to 2017, Senegal. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Decrease of malaria burden among children under five years and other age groups in SMC regions in Senegal. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Strategy for improving seasonal malaria chemoprevention among children from 3 to 120 months of age in Goudomp health district, Senegal: a 3-day directly observed treatment initiative. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Perception of the mothers and the child minders of the region of Sedhiou on the seasonal malaria chemoprevention in 2017: are the absences and the diseases of the children – no cases of disguised refusals? 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Adherence to antimalarial treatment in the context of reactive case detection in Zanzibar. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Evaluation of visual blood meal detection among malaria vector anopheles species during routine entomological surveillance in Manicaland, Zimbabwe. 29-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
A whole transcriptomic approach to characterize insecticide resistance mechanisms in Anopheles arabiensis (Diptera: Culicidae) from Ethiopia. 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Can durability of long-lasting insecticidal nets be predicted from a ‘Risk Index’ composed of selected variables on net handling and use environment? 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Tanzania: Community-based LLIN distribution: Design and implementation lessons from Zanzibar. 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Costs and cost-effectiveness of LLIN distribution strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa. 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
The use of Thailand’s Malaria Information System to improve access and quality of malaria services for vulnerable communities. 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Contribution of the IMC project in transforming the face of malaria control for vulnerable populations in Burkina Faso. 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Malaria response plan in times of high transmission: an approach to improving the quality of hospital malaria management. 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Impact of seasonal malaria chemoprevention on malaria transmission on 2 sites of therapeutic efficacy study in Mali. 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Insecticide-treated net access and use in Liberian households 2016.   30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Use of a rapid evaluation to improve geographic coverage of household registration during Benin’s 2017 insecticide-treated bed net distribution campaign; lessons learned and recommendations. 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Socio-behavioral surveillance on outdoor sleeping and other outdoor nighttime behaviors in northern Benin for indoor residual spraying decision-making. 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Results from a comparison-control trial examining different targeting strategies for IRS Zambia 2017. 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Rates of severe cutaneous adverse reaction among women taking SP-containing regimens during pregnancy: a systematic review. 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Expansion of malaria control interventions associated with the decline of all-cause child mortality in the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 2005 to 2015. 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Changes in confirmed and clinical malaria cases reported through the DHIS 2 software platform in Kenya, 2011-2015.  30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Plasmodium sporozoite infection rates among primary and secondary malaria vectors in Rwanda. 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Insecticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae s.l. populations from the 15 counties in Liberia, West Africa. 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Multi-antigen profiles can characterize Plasmodium falciparum infection status and parasite genomic copies in samples from Angola, 2016. 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Monitoring of pharmacovigilance during the seasonal malaria chemoprevention campaign in Senegal, 2013 to 2017. 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
The formula “average + 2 x standard deviation” applied to the follow-up of malaria epidemic warning level and comparison with the formula of the “simple average” through 18 sites sentinels of surveillance in Senegal from 2016 and 2017. 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Therapeutic efficacy of artesunate-amodiaquine and artemether-lumefantrine for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children under 5 years in Guinea. 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Malaria testing, treating and tracking policy implementation in Angola: a retrospective cross-sectional study to assess the progress achieved after 4 years of program implementation. 30-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Malaria vector surveillance results in Burundi call for enhanced preventive interventions to control the disease. 31-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Application of a novel high-throughput molecular approach for vector-borne disease surveillance to Malian and Guinean mosquitoes. 31-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Tanzania: Accounting for every LLIN: The case of LLIN accountability system in Tanzania. 31-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Using the collaborative quality improvement approach to increase adherence to the test, treat and track malaria case management framework: Experience from 10 health facilities in Uganda. 31-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Improving malaria case management including malaria in pregnancy through national roll-out of malaria service and data quality improvement (MSDQI): A case study from Tanzania. 31-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Klouekanmey and Djougou, Republic of Benin. 31-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Enhancing the private health sector’s role through access to subsidized malaria commodities: game changer in Benin’s supply chain. 31-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor))
Response of two populations of Anopheles gambiae s.l. exposed to deltamethrin, permethrin, and permethrin with PBO and DEF synergists using WHO and CDC bioassays. 31-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Lessons learned from monitoring indoor residual spraying (IRS) in Atacora District, Benin, 2011-2016. 31-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Modeling the agreement and cost of indoor residual spray implementation strategies to control malaria transmission. 31-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Expansion of insecticide treated nets ownership associated with reduction of all-cause childhood mortality in Kenya, 2012 – 2014: Evidence from individual level analysis. 31-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Characteristics of long-lasting insecticide treated nets associated with malaria infection among children under 15 years of age. 31-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
School-based continuous distribution of ITNs Pilot in Guinea shows immediate increase in use and access. 31-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Progress in the control of malaria in Guinea: Analysis of health facility data from the USAID Guinea StopPalu project, 2014-2017. 31-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Improving adherence to national malaria treatment guidelines by village malaria workers in selected townships of Myanmar through a low-dose, high-frequency training approach. 31-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Contribution of rapid diagnosis test in malaria case management strategy in Senegal. 31-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Insecticide residual spray project to target residual transmission and the devolution of the strategy to the national health care system. 31-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Prevalence of molecular markers associated with artemisinin, lumefantrine and amodiaquine resistance in pre-treatment isolates from two therapeutic efficacy monitoring sites in Guinea, 2016. 31-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Evaluation of a single screen and treat strategy for pregnant women at select health facilities in Lindi region, Tanzania. 31-Oct 12:00pm 1:45pm Marriott – Grand Ballroom (3rd Floor)