Keeping Families Safe by Strengthening the Supply Chain for Critical Malaria Commodities in Rwanda

Supporting supply chain professionals with the right training and tools to do their work is helping ensure that people in Rwanda have access to the medicines and insecticide-treated nets they need to stay safe from malaria

2023-05-10T13:49:56+00:00March 2, 2023|Categories: 2023, Stories|Tags: , , |

Fulfilling a Childhood Dream by Preventing and Treating Malaria

When Dr. Beata Mukarugwiro was a child, she dreamed of working in medicine and helping sick children like the ones she saw in her community. Decades later, she takes great satisfaction in her role as a Malaria Specialist at PMI, managing activities that reduce the malaria burden in her home country of Rwanda.

2022-11-15T18:21:11+00:00November 15, 2022|Categories: 2022, Stories|Tags: |
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