How Mosquito Nets Do More Than Just Protect Families: A Mother’s Story

A mother and small-scale trader in Ghana learns how to protect herself from malaria so that she, her family, and her business can thrive.

2024-04-24T17:30:06+00:00April 24, 2024|Categories: 2024, Stories|Tags: , , , |

Bringing Life-Saving Mosquito Nets to Isolated Island Communities in Guinea

PMI assisted the Government of Guinea in distributing life-saving mosquito nets to almost every household of the remote Tristao Islands during the 2022 mass campaign.

2023-07-31T11:56:02+00:00July 28, 2023|Categories: 2023, Stories|Tags: , |

Crossing Mountains and Forging Rivers to Get Mosquito Nets to Remote Communities in Angola

Distribution teams overcame immense hurdles to hand deliver insecticide-treated nets to even the most remote communities in Angola, making sure that people have access to this potentially life-saving tool regardless of where they live.

2023-05-10T13:50:57+00:00October 3, 2022|Categories: 2022, Stories|Tags: , |

Net Wins for Women and Children in Ghana

Nearly one in four people in Ghana who have received an insecticide-treated net are not using them. Midwife Edith Asare is determined to change that by educating pregnant women and caregivers of young children about the importance of sleeping under a net to protect themselves from potentially deadly mosquito bites.

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