Studies of Susceptibility of Mosquitoes to Insecticides Guide Malaria Interventions in Ethiopia
Throughout 2009, PMI supported entomological monitoring activities at 11 sites [...]
Throughout 2009, PMI supported entomological monitoring activities at 11 sites [...]
To strengthen malaria laboratory diagnosis in Ethiopia, PMI procured 820,000 [...]
Since 2005 more than 20 million insecticide-treated nets have been [...]
In remote and underserved kebeles of Oromia, a civil affairs [...]
The American people, through the U.S. Agency for International Development [...]
To ensure the quality of antimalaria drugs available in the [...]
During two months prior to the peak malaria transmission season, [...]
Surveying more than 850 households in rural and urban areas [...]
More than 300 scientists, physicians, public health leaders and top [...]