The U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) welcomes today’s adoption of the malaria resolution by the 72nd United Nations General Assembly. Malaria prevention and control is a vital investment because control of the disease is central to improving child survival and maternal health, and contributes substantially to eradicating extreme poverty and improving educational outcomes. Ending malaria’s scourge will have a long-term, transformative impact, saving millions of lives and generating trillions of additional economic output. The incredible progress to date in the fight against malaria, including over 7 million lives saved since 2000, can only be advanced through sustained support for evidence-based interventions and innovative research and development.

We therefore applaud those countries that have committed to eliminate malaria by 2023 and the pledge by stakeholders to raise $4 billion in new commitments to malaria control and elimination. In joining consensus in adoption of the resolution, we also commend the effort and commitment of member states to the fight against malaria to date and urge member states to sustain political commitment and funding.

We echo the resolution’s call for the strengthening of malaria surveillance and data quality, the strengthening health systems, the development of voluntary innovative financing initiatives and the engagement of the private sector. We share the deep concerns regarding drug and insecticide resistance.

Despite our overall positive views of the resolution, we do feel it inappropriate for the UN Malaria Resolution to include language regarding the work of the World Trade Organization (WTO). In alignment with United States’ Explanation of Position that access to anti-malarial medicines is not limited by intellectual property laws.

PMI is committed to working with affected countries and partners to eliminate and eventually eradicate malaria. A world free of malaria can only be achieved through global partnership, and we thank United Nations General Assembly for supporting this vision through its resolution.

Dr. Ken Staley,
U.S. Global Malaria Coordinator


Dr. Rick Steketee,
Deputy U.S. Global Malaria Coordinator