• The U.S. Government supports the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Technical Strategy for Malaria 2016–2030, or GTS, and shares the global vision for a world without malaria.
  • The U.S. appreciates the WHO’s proactive work with the Global Fund and UNITAID to find ways to rapidly deploy new insecticide treated nets through the innovative New Nets Program.
  • Insecticide treated nets are one of the most important tools in the fight against malaria, and insecticide resistance is now being detected across Africa. Just as we must act quickly to combat antibiotic resistance, we must act decisively to combat insecticide resistance.
  • The United States calls on the WHO to further act by clarifying the requirements for PQ listing for new nets that contain pyrethroids plus some other compound.
  • The United States further urges the WHO to clarify the requirements for PQ listing for other new and innovative nets that contain compounds other than pyrethroids.
  • It is critical to address insecticide resistance in the field as quickly as possible, weighing the importance of additional epidemiological data generation against the need for new tools now.
  • U.S. investments—through the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative and the U.S. contribution to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria—harmonize with and support the collective efforts of countries, donors, and other partners to achieve the targets outlined in the GTS.
  • The United States urges the global malaria community to work together and across sectors to design and deploy innovative approaches to financing that will drive increased private sector investment and domestic resource commitments.