President Donald J. Trump today announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to key positions in his Administration:

Kenneth William Staley of Iowa, to be the Coordinator of United States Government Activities to Combat Malaria Globally.  Dr. Staley is a consultant at McKinsey and Company, where he has assisted with large public health crisis responses to Ebola and MERS and has also served clients in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries.  Prior to joining McKinsey, Dr. Staley was an executive at Medtronic, where he led ventures aimed at expanding access to medical technology in emerging economies.  During the George W. Bush administration, he served as Director for Biodefense Policy at the White House, where he led implementation of the “National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza” and served as the State Department’s Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Counterproliferation. Dr. Staley received his M.D. from the University of Iowa’s Carver College of Medicine.  He also holds a master’s degree in Public Administration from Harvard Kennedy School, and an A.B. in Biology, from Washington University in Saint Louis.

Read the full press release.