The U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) welcomes the appointment of his Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya, as the new Chair of the African Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA). U.S. Global Malaria Coordinator Dr. Ken Staley looks forward to working closely with President Kenyatta and ALMA to engage African Heads of State to further accelerate progress in the fight against malaria.

“Together, the global community has cut malaria mortality by over half in sub-Saharan Africa,” said Dr. Staley. “However, malaria remains a significant challenge on the continent, and U.S. and African leaders must work together to capitalize on the availability of new tools and technologies if we are to realize our shared vision for a malaria-free world.”

PMI applauds President Kenyatta’s call to action on digitization and data sharing, which he has outlined as one of his four priorities as ALMA Chair–and aligns with one of PMI’s highest priorities. Data sharing and access to integrated, real-time data will enhance the global community’s ability to better respond to on-the-ground conditions and more precisely target interventions to drive down malaria cases and deaths. Data sharing will also help increase transparency and accountability, and empower the citizens of Africa and the world to become more active champions for malaria eradication.

Read the news release about President Kenyatta’s priorities for his two-year term as Chair of ALMA.