The U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) VectorLink Project was a global, six-year program that ran from October 2017 through September 2023. The project supported PMI by conducting entomological monitoring, indoor residual spraying (IRS), distribution of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) and other proven, life-saving malaria vector control interventions to help reduce the burden of malaria.

PMI VectorLink worked with national malaria programs and their partners in 25 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as Cambodia and Colombia, to strengthen their capacity to plan and implement cost-effective, evidence-based, and sustainable malaria control activities. Through these efforts, millions of people were protected from malaria, year after year.

The PMI VectorLink Project Final Report highlights the project’s achievements in the areas of strengthening country capacity and advancing integrated vector control. The report also explores how PMI VectorLink used data to drive vector control decisions; contributed to global malaria research and best practices; and helped countries keep their malaria services resilient during times of crises.

Read the full report here.