Insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) are one of the most important tools in the fight against malaria. The U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) aims to support partner countries to reach and maintain universal coverage of ITNs for all individuals living in malaria endemic areas.

Mosquito resistance to the pyrethroid insecticides used on ITNs is emerging across Africa, which threatens the continued effectiveness of this life-saving tool. PMI believes insecticide resistance is a serious threat to continued global progress toward ending malaria.

PMI is contributing to global efforts to introduce and scale up new tools such as ITNs with different insecticide combinations and novel compounds. In line with the U.S. Government statement on malaria delivered at the World Health Assembly 2019, PMI believes these new ITNs are essential for addressing the emerging challenge of insecticide resistance.

PMI plans to deploy new ITNs to the greatest extent possible where entomological data indicates there is resistance to pyrethroid-only ITNs. As more ITNs with new insecticide combinations and novel compounds become available, PMI envisions African countries moving away from pyrethroid-only ITNs.

More broadly, PMI will continue to work closely with partner countries and the global community to deploy the most effective tools to prevent, control, and eliminate malaria as they become available.