The U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) has awarded $30 million in new funding for operational research and program evaluation to help partner countries ensure they are making the most effective and efficient use of resources to fight malaria and save lives.

The five-year project–PMI Insights for Malaria (INFORM)–will be implemented by PATH and a consortium of partners. Building on PMI’s previous operational research efforts and in collaboration with in-country research institutions, PMI INFORM will assess how best to:

  • Improve uptake and scale-up of proven interventions
  • Cost-effectively implement combinations of interventions
  • Preserve the effectiveness of interventions in the face of drug and insecticide resistance
  • Incorporate new tools and interventions and withdraw less effective ones

The project will also strengthen in-country capacity to design and conduct studies, measure the success and impact of interventions, and support the timely dissemination of results to national malaria programs and policymakers.

Read the full press release here.