

PMI investments save lives and create lasting change in countries that shoulder more than 90 percent of the world’s malaria burden.

700+ million

people benefit each year

11.7 million

lives saved since 2000

2.1 billion

infections prevented since 2000

The malaria fight is one of the most inspiring global health stories of our time. U.S. investments against malaria have been among the best investments in global health and development, dramatically reducing the global malaria burden. Since 2006, PMI partner countries have achieved a 29 percent decline in malaria case rates and 48 percent decline in malaria death rates.

Despite incredible progress over the last two decades, malaria still causes an estimated 247 million illnesses and 619,000 deaths worldwide. PMI support gives millions of people the ability to protect themselves and others from this preventable and treatable disease.

PMI Annual Report

Read more about PMI’s impact in its 18th Annual Report to Congress.