For his work to rid the world of malaria, retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral R. Timothy Ziemer ’68 received the 2015 Distinguished Service to Society Award from the Wheaton College Alumni Association.

Few Americans know malaria better than retired Rear Admiral R. Timothy Ziemer ’68. He contracted the disease as a child in Southeast Asia, as did his missionary parents and two of his siblings. For the past seven years, he’s spent nearly $4.5 billion coordinating the United States’ effort to control and eliminate it worldwide.

Tim feels “blessed” to be leading the government program that enjoys “strong bipartisan Congressional support.” Launched by President George W. Bush in 2005 and expanded under President Barack Obama, the President’s Malaria Initiative “represents all that is good about American foreign assistance,” says Tim. “It’s a wonderful reflection of the U.S. government’s commitment to global health and the poor.”

Read the full article.