The President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) is updating the Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) of the Integrated Vector Management Program for Malaria Vector Control (IVM-MVC) [PDF, 9.5MB] and is soliciting public review and comment on this draft document. The PEA serves as an umbrella evaluation of environmental and human health issues related to malaria vector control and assists with the preparation of country- and activity-specific Supplemental Environmental Assessments (SEAs) for malaria vector control programs. Importantly, the PEA provides project managers with a technical, policy, and procedural guide for the preparation of country and activity specific SEAs for individual malaria vector control programs. Together, the PEA and SEAs are intended to provide a clear basis for how malaria vector control activities should be implemented to comply with the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID’s) environmental regulations. This PEA fulfills the legal requirement of assessing environmental and health impacts of the Malaria Vector Control Program and is a tool for designing and implementing safe and environmentally and socially sound malaria vector control activities.

Please use the feedback form [DOC, 76KB] to provide your comments by September 7, 2016.

  • USAID 2016 Update to Programmatic Environmental Assessment for IVM-MVC: Draft for Comment [PDF, 9.5MB]
  • Feedback form [DOC, 76KB]