Over a period of two weeks, 530 community health volunteers trained by EQUIP Liberia distributed more than 180,000 free ITNs in all six districts of Nimba County, often transporting the bales of nets by foot or even canoe when roads were impassable.

Workers unload bales of insecticide-treated mosquito nets for distribution in Nimba County, Liberia. EQUIP Liberia trained 530 community health volunteers to distribute free ITNs in all six districts. Source: EQUIP Liberia

EQUIP Liberia, a Malaria Communities Program grantee, played a major role in the implementation of a free long-lasting ITN distribution campaign in Nimba County, Liberia, conducted in May-June 2009. EQUIP worked closely with PMI, the Nimba County Health Team, the Ministry of Health, and the national malaria control program to conduct the campaign. The long-lasting ITNs for the campaign were procured and transported to the county level by PMI, while EQUIP assisted the County Health team to oversee the distribution of nets from the county level down to communities.

Over a period of two weeks, 530 community health volunteers trained by EQUIP Liberia distributed more than 180,000 free ITNs in all six districts of Nimba County, often transporting the bales of nets by foot or even canoe when roads were impassable. Volunteers went from house to house to ensure that each household received three nets and to share information about the importance of using a net to prevent malaria. Because ownership of an ITN does not ensure that it is properly used, the volunteers were equipped with nails and cords to help families hang their nets properly.