Net Wins for Women and Children in Ghana

Nearly one in four people in Ghana who have received an insecticide-treated net are not using them. Midwife Edith Asare is determined to change that by educating pregnant women and caregivers of young children about the importance of sleeping under a net to protect themselves from potentially deadly mosquito bites.

Harnessing the Power of the Sun to Fight Malaria

Spraying mosquito-busting insecticide in homes is an important tool for fighting malaria, but extreme weather due to climate change can disrupt spraying campaigns. Harnessing solar power is one way to tackle these climate-induced challenges.

2024-04-18T18:50:56+00:00July 13, 2022|Categories: 2022, Stories|Tags: , , , |

Broadcasts that Save Lives: A Radio Show Anchor Spreads Crucial Health Information in Nigeria

Retired health worker Grace Akpegi reinvents herself as a radio show anchor and uses her public platform to encourage healthy behaviors that prevent malaria infections and save lives.

2023-01-26T16:29:05+00:00July 7, 2022|Categories: 2022, Stories|Tags: , |

In Tanzania’s Refugee Camps, Local Health Teams Take the Lead in Fighting Malaria

After years of supporting spray campaigns against malaria-carrying mosquitoes, PMI hands over operations to local teams.

2022-06-15T13:48:39+00:00June 9, 2022|Categories: 2022, Stories|Tags: , |

VIDEO: On-the-job training for high malaria quality care in Cameroon

How the Outreach, Training, and Supportive Supervision (OTSS+) approach to quality assurance helps health workers strengthen their skills

2023-05-10T13:52:04+00:00May 11, 2022|Categories: 2022, Stories|Tags: , , |

VIDEO: USAID Introduces Digital Technology for Healthcare Professionals in Angola

See how PMI helps health workers access digital training resources for the management of malaria in Angola

2023-05-10T13:52:21+00:00May 9, 2022|Categories: 2022, Stories|Tags: , |

Fight for What Counts: Preparing for The Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment Conference

Senior U.S. officials appeared alongside foreign ambassadors and African civil society members to mark World Malaria Day

2023-05-10T13:52:31+00:00April 28, 2022|Categories: 2022, Events|Tags: , , |
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