Although malaria case management and vector control interventions in western Thailand have been targeted to Burmese refugees and migrant workers, as well as Thai nationals, very little is known about how Burmese migrants access and use malaria resources.

In Thailand, Burmese migrants participate in a focus group discussion to learn more about their access and utilization of malaria prevention and treatment resources. Source: Malaria Consortium

In Tak Province, western Thailand, PMI is supporting an assessment of malaria careseeking behaviors among mobile workers and migrant populations to determine the factors that affect their access to malaria prevention and treatment resources.

Although malaria case management and vector control interventions in western Thailand have been targeted to Burmese refugees and migrant workers, as well as Thai nationals, very little is known about how Burmese migrants access and use malaria resources. Findings from this assessment will guide the planning and implementation of malaria control and elimination interventions for border communities in western Thailand.