The President’s Malaria Initiative looks forward to participating in the 66th annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in Baltimore, MD. See below for a list of PMI-supported symposia, scientific sessions, and poster presentations.

  • Symposium Sessions
  • Scientific Sessions
  • Poster Sessions

Symposium Sessions

Presentation Title Day Start Time End Time Location
Strengthening surveillance systems as a pillar of the Global Technical Strategy: Practical progress from country teams 6-Nov 10:15am 12:00pm Convention Center – Room 318/319/320 (Level 300)
Side Meeting – Malaria Economic Research Community of Practice 7-Nov 9:00am 5:00pm Hilton – Holiday Ballroom Salon 4 (East Building, Second Floor)
The PMI MalariaCare Project: Five Years of Country Support to Improve Quality of Malaria Case Management in Sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia Meeting 7-Nov 10:15am 12:00pm Hilton – Holiday Ballroom 5 (East Building, 2nd floor)
Symposium #75: Tracking the Impact of SMC: An Assessment of the Impact and Cost Effectiveness of Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention in West and Central Africa 7-Nov 10:15am 12:00pm Convention Center – Ballroom III (Level 400)
Symposium #104: Antimalarial Resistance and Plasmodium Genetic Diversity in Africa: What we know now  7-Nov 4:00pm 5:45pm Convention Center – Ballroom II (Level 400)
The Role of Reactive Case Detection Strategies in Malaria Elimination 7-Nov 4:45pm 5:00pm Convention Center – Ballroom III (Level 400)
Symposium #136: Innovative Approaches to Monitor Resistance and Resistance Management for Effective Vector Control 8-Nov 10:15am 12:00pm Convention Center – Room 318/319/320 (Level 300)
Symposium #132: Approaches to Malaria Elimination in Southern Africa, Southeast Asia and South America: What Operational Research is Needed to Complete the Task? 8-Nov 10:15am 12:00pm Convention Center – Ballroom I (Level 400)
Symposium #152: Disrupting the Paradigm: Bite Prevention Technologies for Malaria Control and Elimination 8-Nov 1:45pm 3:30pm Convention Center – Room 318/319/320 (Level 300)


Scientific Sessions

Presentation Title Day Start Time End Time Location
Realizing the potential of community health workers to provide malaria case management: Senegal’s scale up of proactive community case management 6-Nov 8:00am 8:15am Convention Center – Room 341/342 (Level 300)
Malaria community-based management in informal Koranic residential schools: a pilot in Senegal 6-Nov 8:15am 8:30am Convention Center – Room 341/342 (Level 300)
Increase in delivery of interventions to decrease malaria among pregnant women in Senegal 6-Nov 8:45am 9:00am Convention Center – Room 341/342 (Level 300)
Assessment of facilitators and barriers to achieving the target IPTp Mutasa district, Manicaland province, Zimbabwe: A formative assessment 6-Nov 9:00am 9:15am Convention Center – Room 341/342 (Level 300)
Population access to ITN is a better indicator of ‘universal coverage’ than household ownership of at least 1 ITN for 2 people 6-Nov 10:15am 12:00pm Convention Center – Room 341/342 (Level 300)
Social Behavior Change Communication and bednet retention, care, repair, use and impact in Benin 6-Nov 11:15am 11:30pm Convention Center – Room 341/342 (Level 300)
Effectiveness and sustainability of a collaborative improvement method to increase the quality of routine malaria surveillance data in Kayunga District, Uganda 6-Nov 11:30am 11:45pm Convention Center – Room 341/342 (Level 300)
Building and maintaining health care worker performance of malaria rapid diagnostic tests in eight sub-Saharan African countries 6-Nov 4:45pm 5:00pm Convention Center – Ballroom III (Level 400)
Using Outreach Training and Supportive Supervision to Maintain Microscopy Competency 6-Nov 5:00pm 5:15pm Convention Center – Ballroom III (Level 400)
Performance assessment of laboratory technicians on Malaria Microscopy in 5 high endemic districts of Rwanda 6-Nov 5:15pm 5:30pm Convention Center – Ballroom III (Level 400)
Implementation of a Quality Improvement Approach for Malaria Service Delivery in Zambezia Province, Mozambique 6-Nov 5:30pm 5:45pm Convention Center – Ballroom III (Level 400)
Evaluating the impact of the expansion of malaria control interventions in Kenya, 2003-2015 7-Nov 9:00am 9:15am Convention Center – Room 318/319/320 (Level 300)
M-health innovations < their challenges to manage malaria sentinel surveillance network in Madagascar 7-Nov 9:15am 9:30am Convention Center – Room 318/319/320 (Level 300)
Assessing the Field Sensitivity of Malaria Antigen Detection Tests Using an Ultra-Sensitive Bead-Based Assay 7-Nov 2:30pm 2:45pm Ballroom III (Level 400)
Achieving Interruption of Locally Transmitted Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Cases through Piloting a Basic Essential Package of Activities for Malaria Elimination in the Context of Artemisinin Resistance, 2015-2017 7-Nov 5:15pm 5:30pm Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Impact of indoor residual spraying with Actellic 300CS in Mali on key entomological indicators of malaria transmission 8-Nov 11:00am 11:15am Convention Center – Ballroom III (Level 400)
The impact of indoor residual spraying (IRS) with pirimiphos-methyl on entomological indices in a malaria hyperendemic region of western Kenya 8-Nov 11:30am 11:45am Convention Center – Ballroom III (Level 400)
Use of routine health information system data to evaluate impact of malaria interventions in Zanzibar during the period 2000-2015 8-Nov 1:45pm 3:30pm Convention Center – Ballroom III (Level 400)


Poster Sessions

Presentation Title Day Start Time End Time Location
Prevalence of pfmdr1 and pfk13 polymorphisms in three provinces in Angola, 2015 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Who Buys Nets? Factors Associated with Mosquito Net Purchase in Sub-Saharan Africa 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Quantifying season patterns of ITN use across climatic zones in sub-Saharan Africa 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Improving Quality of Blood Smear Malaria Microscopy through a district-based External Quality Assurance scheme in Uganda, 2014-2016 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Insecticide resistance status of three malaria vectors: An. gambiae s.l., An. funestus and An. mascarensis from the South, Central Highlands and East Coasts of Madagascar 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
The role of Anopheles gambiaeAnopheles arabiensis and Anopheles coustani in indoor and outdoor malaria transmission in five ecological zones of Nigeria 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Entomological surveillance of malaria in Burundi: an important step for the success of vector control strategies 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
The role of Anopheles gambiae s.s.Anopheles arabiensis and Anopheles coustani in indoor and outdoor malaria transmission in five ecological zones of Nigeria 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Baltimore Convention Center
A Case for Investment in Thailand’s Malaria Elimination Program: a cost-benefit analysis study 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Do Demographic and Health Surveys accurately measure malaria diagnosis and treatment received by children under five years? A treatment recall validation study in Mali 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Scaling up Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention in Mali: Implementation Challenges and Lessons Learned 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Trial comparing two Artemisinin based combination therapies for the treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Rwanda 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Toward Decreasing Malaria Transmission in Rural Communities in Madagascar Result from a Baseline Survey for a Cluster Randomized Trial in Mananjary District 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
A new approach to assuring the quality of community-based health services in Madagascar 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Insecticide resistance status of three malaria vectors: An. gambiae s.l., An. funestus and An. mascarensis from the South, Central Highlands and East Coasts of Madagascar 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Reduced malaria commodity stock-outs at health facility level through monthly supervision in Benin 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Improving Adherence to the Kenya National Malaria Diagnosis & Treatment Guidelines; An Outreach Training and Support Supervision (OTSS) Approach in Vihiga County, Western Kenya 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Impact of Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention after 3 years at scale in southern Senegal 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Results from the 2016 Therapeutic Efficacy Trial, Zambia 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Prevalence of mdr1 and k13 polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum, during Therapeutic Efficacy Monitoring in Zambia 2016 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Insecticide resistance monitoring and susceptibility of malaria vectors over the past 10 years in Zanzibar 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Experiences of 2016 Mass Long Lasting Insecticidal Net distribution Zanzibar 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Assessing the usefulness of a threshold for detecting malaria epidemics in Tanzania: A case study in Hai district (Kilimanjaro region) and Bukoba Municipal Council (Kagera region) 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Evaluation of Four Rounds of Long Lasting Insecticidal Net Distribution Through Schools in Southern Tanzania 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Malaria microscopy Quality Assurance Quality Control program in Zanzibar towards elimination 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Timeliness and completeness of malaria case notification and response in Zanzibar, 2013-2015 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Annual surveillance of vectors susceptibility to insecticides and mechanisms of resistance in the malaria pre-elimination zone of Senegal 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
MalariaCare Ghana: Experiences from the Field on Community Health Officers’ Internship Program 6-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
“Sleep is leisure for the poor” – Understanding perceptions, barriers and motivators to net care and repair in southern Tanzania 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Streamlining operations and reducing costs in school ITN distribution in Tanzania: 2013-2017 operations and reducing costs in school ITN distribution in Tanzania: 2013-2017 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Feasibility Assessments for ITN Continuous Distribution in Two Settings: Kenya and Guinea 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
District-Based Supervision and Mentorship Program for Improving the Quality of Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Testing in Uganda 2014-2016 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Pyrethroid Resistance Intensity and Mechanisms of Insecticide Resistance in the Malaria Vector Anopheles gambiae s.l. in Selected Districts in Northern Ghana 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Insecticide resistance status, intensity and mechanisms of An. gambiae s.l. in southern and central Mali between 2014 and 2016 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Nationwide insecticide resistance status and biting behavior of malaria vector species in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) 2013-2016 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Empowerment evaluation to engage community for malaria prevention and treatment in ethnic minority populations along the Thai Myanmar border 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Capacity building for vector borne disease control program for the sub district level Surveillance and Rapid Response Team (SRRT) in Krabi Province, Thailand 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
An observational Analysis of the Impact of IRS in the Segou Region of Mali: 2011-2014 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Prevalence of K13 mutation and Day-3 positive parasitaemia in artemisinin-resistant malaria endemic area of Cambodia: a cross-sectional study 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Assessment of Data Use for Malaria Program Decision Making in Democratic Republic of Congo  7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Centers of Excellence in Monitoring and Evaluation: An approach to improving data quality for effective decision-making in the Democratic Republic of Congo 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Nationwide insecticide resistance status and biting behavior of malaria vector species in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) 2013-2016 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Distribution of malaria burden by transmission stratum Senegal 2016 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Active Monitoring of Artemisinin Combinations Therapy ACT Use for Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria among Pregnant Women in Senegal 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Real-time community surveillance for malaria control in Madagascar 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Quantifying gaps in ITN use to better plan and target malaria interventions in Madagascar  7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Assessment of RDT performance in endemic area in Sakaraha, Madagascar 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Genetic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum based on msp-1 block 2 genepolymorphism analysis in isolates from Tsaratanana commune Ifanadina district, southeast of Madagascar 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Contribution of two sympatric sibling species, Anopheles coluzzii and Anopheles gambiae, to malaria transmission in North Benin 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Assesment of Behavior Change Communication (BCC) interventions in support of malaria control activities conducted in Benin by PMI’s ARM3 project 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Proactive community treatment of children under-5: results of a pilot project in northern Benin 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Increasing care seeking behavior among caregivers of children under five years of age with fever in Benin using Behavior Change Communication: Randomized trial 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Improving health care worker performance in clinical case management of malaria and other febrile illnesses in eight sub-Saharan African countries. 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Improving health care worker performance in adherence to testing and test results for malaria in seven sub-Saharan African countries 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Lessons Learned: Malaria Diagnostic Refresher Training in Africa Francophone Countries 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Improvements in Quality of Malaria Case Management through County Referral Hospital Medicines and Therapeutics Committees in Kenya: the Migori County Experience 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Assessment of Data Use for Malaria Program Decision Making in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Centers of Excellence in Monitoring and Evaluation: An Approach to Improving Data Quality for Effective Decision Making in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Integration of malaria routine and surveillance information systems in Mali’s health management information system: Best practices and lessons learned 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Quantifying Gaps in ITN Use to Better Plan and Target Malaria Interventions in Madagascar 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Implementing the Global Technical Strategy at the District Level: Individual Capacity Building in Malaria Surveillance in Senegal 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Provider orientation to malaria case management guidelines in regional hospitals 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Contribution of Community-Based Health Workers (CBHWs) to Improving Prevention of Malaria in Pregnancy: Process for Implementing a Feasibility Study 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Using SMS to remind pregnant women of antenatal appointments in Guinea 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Efficacy and safety of artemether-lumefantrine for treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria after a decade of using artemisinin-based combination therapy in mainland Tanzania 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Missed Opportunities for Uptake of Intermittent Preventative Treatment for Malaria in Pregnancy (IPTp): A Case of Tanzania 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Streamlining operations and reducing costs in school ITN distribution in Tanzania: 2013-2017 operations and reducing costs in school ITN distribution in Tanzania: 2013-2017 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Social Behavioral Change Communication
Messages to Support Mass Drugs Administration Zanzibar 2016
7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
A Situational Assessment of the drivers of malaria in communities along the Zimbabwe-Mozambique Border of Manicaland Province 7-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Cost and Effectiveness Analysis of Malaria Control in Senegal: “Theoretical” Single Interventions vs. “Actual” Packages of Interventions 8-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Costs of continuous ITN distribution channels: a multi-country case series 8-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Current Practices in Urban Insecticide-Treated Net Distribution Across Sub-Saharan Africa 8-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Beneficial, neutral or harmful: categorizing the repurposing of mosquito nets in Malawi 8-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Climate change, poverty and hunger: drivers behind the misuse of ITNs for fishing in Malawi 8-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Observational Evidence of a Compliance Effect of Combining Next Generation Indoor Residual Spraying and Seasonal Malaria Chemprevention in the Segou Region of Mali, 2014 8-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Results of an evaluation of the Toolkit to Improve Early and Sustained Intermittent Preventive Treatment in Pregnancy (IPTp) Uptake in Mozambique and Madagascar 8-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
A New Approach for provider performance improvement with Clinical and Quality Assurance Components in Moramanga, Madagascar 8-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Assessment of efficacy of artesunate amodiaquine in district of Ifanadiana, Madagascar 8-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Factors associated with the uptake of at least two doses of sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine for the prevention of malaria in pregnant women, Benin, 2015 8-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Tracking long lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) physical integrity and bioefficacy 2 years after a mass campaign in Benin 8-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Contribution of the Improving Malaria Care (IMC) Project to Improving Malaria Case Management in Burkina Faso: Strengthening the capacity of health care providers 8-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Contribution of the Standards-Based Management and Recognition (SBM-R) approach to fighting malaria in Burkina Faso 8-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Reactive case detection in transition to programmatic surveillance, northern Senegal 8-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Using SMS to report stock-outs of anti-malaria medicine  8-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)
Using the Antenatal Care Quality Improvement Tool and targeted training to strengthen ANC Services including MiP in Kagera and Mara Regions, Tanzania 8-Nov 12:00pm 1:45pm Convention Center – Hall F and G (Level 100)