Eliasia Sebastian, a Site Supervisor in Kwimba District, Mwanza, Tanzania, uses the smartphone to check daily performance. Credit: AIRS Tanzania

Successful indoor residual spraying (IRS) campaigns depend on close supervision to ensure safe and effective spray performance. Data generated on a daily basis enables supervisors to determine performance trends, track insecticide utilization rates and ensure adherence to operational standards. In the past, supervisors collected data on paper forms to manage environmental compliance and spray operations. However, the use of paper forms had several problems, including data reporting errors and delayed reporting.

To improve efficiency and effectiveness of spray campaigns, the President’s Malaria Initiative Africa Indoor Residual Spraying (PMI AIRS) Project has adapted the paper supervisory forms into a mobile application for smartphones. In 2016, the PMI AIRS Project in Tanzania began using the Supervisory E-Tool to enhance supervision of the spray campaigns. At the end of each spray day, supervisors in the field used the application to complete and submit their forms to a cloud-based open-source platform.

Used by multiple levels of staff, including Regional Coordinators, District Coordinators, and PMI AIRS operational staff, the tool helps to identify performance gaps in data collection verification, storekeeper performance, household preparation, spray operator performance, morning mobilization and transport, and end-of-day cleanup.

The Supervisory E-tool also enables supervision teams to respond quickly to issues and make decisions based on real-time data. Specifically, the new E-tool makes supervision of multiple IRS aspects more manageable by cutting out data entry and automating data analysis; reduces data entry mistakes; enables supervisors to give immediate feedback, improves decision making at the time of the supervision; and reduces the time of supervision in general.

Eliasia Sebastion, Site Supervisor for Malya Site in Kwimba District in Mwanza, said, “I have worked in previous IRS campaigns as a Site Supervisor but had never used the E-tool in supervision. The E-Tool has enhanced the supervision process. We are able to assess spray teams and transport prior to going to the field, assess the storekeeper performance as well as the Spray Operators’ performance. The E-tool has reduced the supervision time per each assessment area.”

This story was taken from www.africairs.net.