The President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) Expansion Project (PMI-EP) was recently awarded. The purpose of this project is to assist the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo to achieve the target of reducing malaria-associated mortality by 50 percent, compared to pre-initiative levels. During the first year, the project will work in four provinces: Kasai West, Kasai East, South Kivu, and Katanga; during the second year, it will expand to Orientale province.

The lead implementing partner is Population Services International (PSI), with three local and three international subs: Association de Santé Familiale (ASF), Caritas Congo, Greenmash, Hera, Kinshasa School of Public Health (KSPH), and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.

For further information, please contact either Jose Tchofa (AOR): or Cornelia Davis (Alternate AOR):