Today, Congressman Donald M. Payne, was joined by First Lady Laura Bush, at the official launch of the Congressional Malaria Caucus, which he will co-chair.   Other participants in the event with Representative Payne, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health, included caucus co-chair Congressman John Boozman (AR-3), Admiral Ziemer, Coordinator of the President’s Malaria Initiative, Ray Chambers, United Nations Special Envoy on Malaria, and American Idol finalist Melinda Doolittle.

Malaria is a global emergency.   Each year, more than 1 million people die from the disease and approximately 300 – 500 million people are newly infected.   Africa is hardest hit, accounting for between 85% and 90% of malaria deaths, mostly among children.   Pregnant women and children are the most vulnerable when it comes to the disease.   Congressman Payne stated, “Health experts estimate that every 30 seconds an African child dies from malaria.   These statistics are absolutely staggering.”